Dental digital radiographs
Dental Digital Radiographs, often referred to as dental digital x-rays are taken conservatively at Stauffer Family Dental in Westerville, OH in order to give us as much information as we need to appropriately and accurately assess your oral health. We follow the CDC's guiding principle when it comes to xrays, ALARA. ALARA stands for "As Low As Reasonably Achievable". We take x-rays only when there is a direct benefit for the patients.

Cavity Detecting Xrays
There are two types of dental cavity detecting x-rays. The first are called "bitewings" This is a series of 2-4 images that are taken of the back teeth to check for cavities between the teeth that cannot be seen with the naked eye. There are also "periapical" x-rays which show the same for the front teeth. These xrays are usually taken every year. Sometimes they are taken more or less frequently, depending on the patient.
Periapical Radiograph
These are the cavity detecting x-rays for front teeth. We also use these x-rays to see the bone underneath a tooth to look for infection. We take these on an as needed basis.

Panoramic Radiograph
This is an x-ray that is taken in a separate area than the room your teeth are cleaned in. The x-ray moves around your head and captures an image that includes the jaw bone, the sinuses, and the roots of the teeth. We take this x-ray about every 5 years to check these areas.
Conebeam or CBCT
A CBCT gives us a 3D image of you. It is wonderful in diagnosing a specific source of infection and is often used by our specialists in endodontics(root canals) and oral surgerons. It give us more information when that is needed to treat or diagnose.

Who orders my dental digital x-rays?
Dr. Heidi Stauffer is our only dentist at Stauffer Family Dental in Westerville, OH. She is the one that will decide which x-rays are indicated for each patient. We take as few as needed to treat and diagnose appropriately. We typically take cavity detecting x-rays every year and panoramic x-rays every 5 years. We adjust this as needed for different patient's needs.
Who will take my dental digital x-rays?
In the State of Ohio, you either need a dental license, a dental hygiene license or a radiography license to take x-rays. Therefore, Dr. Heidi having a dental license is able to take radiographs. Our three hygienists, Kim, Lauren and Jennelle, can take them because of their dental hygiene license. Lastly, our Expanded Functions Dental Auxillary, Tiffany holds a radiography license and went through special training in order to be able to take radiographs at our office in Westerville, OH.
Will insurance cover my dental x-rays?
As always, dental insurance is very complicated and every insurance varies. If there is radiograph coverage in your plan, typically cavity detecting x-rays(bitewings) are covered once a year and a full mouth or panoramic x-ray is covered once every 5 years. If you have questions about your specific plan and your coverage at Stauffer Family Dental, please call Kara, our office manager and insurance guru. She can help you figure out your coverage. Call us at 614-882-2249.

dental x-rays at stauffer family dental in westerville, OH
At Stauffer Family Dental in Westerville, Ohio, we take many dental x-rays every year. However, we remain conservative in taking only the x-rays we need to diagnose and treat our patients. Come in and check us out as a new patient! Our experienced team is committed to providing you with the gentlest and most thorough exam, cleaning and x-rays specialized to your needs. Don't wait - schedule your dental exam, dental cleaning, and dental x-rays today to maintain optimal oral health. Call us at 614-882-2249 or complete our website form to book your appointment now!